Example: Read DICOM File
The following code reads a DICOM P10 file and prints its full contents to stdout, then extracts the patient ID and study date data elements and prints them individually.
import dcmfx_core/data_set
import dcmfx_core/dictionary
import dcmfx_p10
import gleam/io
import gleam/string
const input_file = "../../example.dcm"
pub fn main() {
let assert Ok(ds) = dcmfx_p10.read_file(input_file)
let assert Ok(patient_id) = data_set.get_string(ds, dictionary.patient_id.tag)
io.println("Patient ID: " <> patient_id)
let assert Ok(study_date) = data_set.get_date(ds, dictionary.study_date.tag)
io.println("Study Date: " <> string.inspect(study_date))