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Example: Write DICOM JSON

The following code reads a DICOM P10 file, converts it to DICOM JSON, then prints the JSON to stdout.

Note that the extension to DICOM JSON allowing storage of encapsulated pixel data is enabled. If this is omitted then conversion of a data set containing encapsulated pixel data will error.

import dcmfx_json
import dcmfx_json/json_config.{DicomJsonConfig}
import dcmfx_p10
import gleam/io

const input_file = "../../example.dcm"

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(ds) = dcmfx_p10.read_file(input_file)

  let json_config =
    DicomJsonConfig(store_encapsulated_pixel_data: True, pretty_print: True)

  let assert Ok(ds_json) = dcmfx_json.data_set_to_json(ds, json_config)

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